Window: White Pine

Photograph of a chickadee on a slender branch of white pine.

It’s been a little while since I shared some bummer bird poetry. This one has the marvelous distinction of having been broadcast into a dark Scottish forest. My other poems are still a little jealous.

Window: White Pine


Chaos in
the predawn dark—
starlings scream


Robbing the open
pinecone, rewarded again
and again—chickadee


The jay’s alarm—
Stranger! Stranger! Stranger!—
swallowed by the wind


Streetlight caught
in the raindrops caught in the
orb weaver’s web


The owl arrives
soundlessly. The night
holds its breath.


i haven’t been outside since it happened


Photograph: Tyler Jamieson via Unsplash. This poem was previously published in SPROUT: The Nature of Cities and, as mentioned, read to the trees.

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