Rebecca Boyle

I’m an independent journalist, historian and inveterate book-buyer. I mostly write about astronomy, physics, climate, and the history of science, but I dabble in other topics. I have come to see my work as a form of wayfinding: To orient yourself in the universe, I believe you must try to understand what’s around you, and how it all works. As ever, the stars really help with this.

I used to cover state and local government for a chain of newspapers, and will always love and support local journalism. These days I write mostly for The Atlantic, FiveThirtyEight, New Scientist, and a few others. My work has been anthologized in the Best American Science & Nature Writing, and sometimes I win writing awards. I have a degree in history and a certificate of attendance from Space Camp. I grew up in Colorado but now I live in St. Louis with my family. 


Twitter: rboyle31

Stories elsewhere:

America in the Shadows

Why Mars is the Best Planet

Mars is a Jerk (but I really like Mars) 

The Health Effects of a World Without Darkness