The Sun in January


This morning, mid-January, sandwiched between the past few days of fog and rainy gloom and future days of cold and snowy mix, the sun did this. I’d been having the flu, not getting 5 feet away from the couch, and the sun was so stunning I walked out on the porch and stood in it. I swear it’s like, the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace. I’m not even religious.

Sunlight has beneficent effects on all kinds of diseases and hoo boy, on all kinds of depressions and disorders of mood. But we already knew all that, didn’t we, we just hadn’t done the science. When there’s a puddle of January sunlight in the corner of a room, even the dog knows to go lie down in it.

You can’t see in that picture a detail, a tiny glory, so here’s the closeup.

Honest to goodness, snowdrops, little drops of snow, only flowers. This was the first I’d seen them. I had to bend over to see them, then kneel down to see them better, then realized I might as well be praying. Spring’s not coming any time soon but January just became more bearable.


I took the pictures, didn’t I. Maybe one day I’ll get a good camera or at least a better cell phone.

4 thoughts on “The Sun in January

  1. As I threw open the windows, the morning sun blast through with such a furor I had to take a step back. It’s not much, but through the matted, dead decay of lawn litter came the tender leaves of the soon-to-be crocus. There is hope.

  2. Ann, I’m so glad you wrote this – I totally agree! I had a rough week last week with 2 co-worker funerals (both women under 50) and my dog’s continuing health issues but the thing that made it all worse was the weather – cold, wet, dreary, damp. Saturday the sun came out and even though still cold, it was glorious and gave hope again.

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