The Last Word


April 2 – 6, 2018

Nobody claimed Google’s Lunar X prize for going back to the moon, says Rebecca, and though China and India did/will get to the moon, “private moon exploration is a no-go.” Turns out going to the moon is hard.

The lady in the log cabin whose collected stuff went up over her windows? Ok, Sarah will put up with you diagnosing a hoarder, but the lady loved the stuff.  “The problem is not that we care TOO much about stuff. It’s that we do not place enough value on the stuff we already have.”

Craig, living in the country’s south 40, wanders around in abandoned houses, picking up this and that, putting it down again, archeologizing the recent past, disrupting its private memories.

OMG! thinks the astronomer, that bright spot was never there before! Notify the community! Turns out that it was Mars, oh dear.  Guest Chris Lintott says that astonomers’ networks are increasingly informal, even twittified.

Sally’s twins had scarlet fever, scarlet fever is back, creeping around everywhere, it didn’t go away after all or at least it didn’t stay gone.  What changed?  Probably not the zombies.

Categorized in: Miscellaneous