Abstruse Goose: Piss ‘Em Off


a_wise_man_once_saidAG here, based on his examples, seems to mean that the best science undercuts peoples’ faith in their beliefs, thereby annoying them deeply.  I’m sure that’s true but I haven’t noticed it myself.  What I notice is when, for example, some observer tells some theorist that no, in fact the universe isn’t coasting along slowly, it’s tearing around with its hair on fire, and I feel a spike of deep, anarchic joy.  Probably that’s what AG means too.



2 thoughts on “Abstruse Goose: Piss ‘Em Off

  1. This novice theorist observes humans tearing around with their hair on fire at least I see it as expodentially increasing. (And it’s certainly pissing me off!)

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