The Last Word


The AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards in 2015, perhaps? January 13 – 17

This week, a modest proposal from Helen: Golden Globes, science writing edition.

Cameron debated the merits of keeping a journal. Based on her observations on anemone, it’s a strong “yes please” from me.

No big bang, ever? Guest poster Jeff Kanipe introduced us to Halton Arp, his galactic pathologies, and his physics heresy.

Jessa once worked at a place where they had to slap their drug-addled users awake. What do drugs do to make this worth our while? Perhaps it’s the wrong question, Jessa says.

Why does bureaucracy ossify some countries ad galvanise others? Erik coined a term I’d like to see go viral: whydon’twejust.


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