The last word


May 28 – June 1 2018

This week, LWON guest contributor Robin Meija takes a look under the hood of the Puerto Rico death toll numbers – and finds something disturbing in the statistics 

On a lighter note, do you like insane apocryphal philosophy and AI? Then you’ll love my story about Descartes’ robot daughter.

Environmental thinkers sometimes dream of communicating with other species about our common problems and shared fates, but few have imagined the everyday practicalities: who would translate? Who would speak first? And what in the world would we all eat for lunch? Michelle tells us about the Third Annual Slime Crisis Conference, as imagined in a new play that I now really, really want to go see.

Three years after her first cry for help, Christie is still digging out from her email</a>, and may never surface. There’s got to be a better way!

Emma, LWON’s anthropocene correspondent, interviews Christopher Preston about his new book, which asks for a conversation about geoengineering that’s a little less enthusiastic about technology and intervention.


Categorized in: Christie, Emma, Michelle, Miscellaneous, Sally