The Latest from Expedition Titanic


Hurricane Danielle and its 40-foot-tall waves drove Expedition Titanic back to port on Monday, but not before crew members recorded this haunting HD video of the RMS Titanic on August 29th.  Each time I watch this footage, I feel a sense of awe and emptiness. So much silent, eerie, lacy beauty, so much spooky preservation–all under the immense, inexorable pressure of the Atlantic Ocean.  How much more can the Titanic endure before it collapses?

The expedition’s principal investigator James Delgado, a nautical archaeologist of my acquaintance, yesterday described the ocean floor as the world’s largest museum. As a non-diver, I doubt that I will ever roam its wrecks myself. Thank you, James and your fellow crewmembers, for showing us the Titanic at its most frail and wondrous.

The great ship now looks almost human to me.

One thought on “The Latest from Expedition Titanic

  1. Oh my gosh, I hate that in around 10-30 years, this marvelous site and piece of history will be nothing but a big rust stain on the bottom of the Atlantic. I think that people are starting to forget about what happened on the greatest sea-liner of all time.

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