Bug Love Redux: The Ant-Man Diary


The People of LWON and their splendid guests have several ongoing preoccupations, and rather than have you try to mentally collate them over the years, we thought we’d devote a week to each preoccupation.  That way they’ll all be in one place.  I have a feeling this isn’t making much sense.  However.  This week is devoted to redux posts on loving bugs.

photo-4This is one of my all-time favorite LWON posts.  Guest Brooke Borel is a curious science writer with a deadline, naturally looking for something else to do, finds ants in her kitchen.  The result is a Norse epic, a Greek tragedy, an Ibsen play, a story of love and loss, of fall and redemption, and a sudden descent into madness.  With video, diagram, and pictures.  Just go read it.

Categorized in: Guest Post, Special series