The Last Word


00120001January 4 – 8, 2016

Three of this week’s five days have been devoted to issues specific to ladies and high time too after all those many, many penis posts.

Jennifer’s sustained rant against peri-menopause, let alone menopause (reminding me of a sign on my agent’s wall, I’m Out of Estrogen and I Have a Gun), ends with a beautifully-thought-out Master Plan.

Craig is in his wayback machine again, going through the Eocene, Miocene, Pleistocene until yes, there in the corner, yes, is a small, armed bunch of the first people.

Cassie ponders an electronic bra that tracks fitness — a technology one never expected to encounter — and decides it’s just the latest gadget that far surpasses our need for it.

Rose finds another technology one never expected to enounter, gadgets for monitoring the flow of your menstrual period.  They make menopause look good.




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