New Person of LWON: Rose Eveleth


9544541664_b43ec6c183_zWe are pleased as punch to welcome the supremely talented Rose Eveleth to the LWON fold. Rose is the host and producer of Meanwhile in the Future, a podcast from Gizmodo about … you guessed it … the future. She’s also a great writer. Need proof: Just read this awesome story she wrote about the tiny town of Eveleth, Minnesota. Or this one about how farmers abuse their prosthetic limbs.

Here are some other fun facts about Rose: She likes to build strange little things. Her favorite animal is the fox. She has a New Jersey accent that she hides unless she’s very mad. And somewhere on her body is a tattoo of a Dymaxion map.

We’ve been hounding Rose to join for what seems like decades. We’re so glad she finally caved. Tune in tomorrow for her first post.

*Photo courtesy of JD Hancock via Flickr


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