The Last Word


Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 9.50.45 PM21 – 25 October

What happens to sperm and egg donors in the era of cut-rate genetic testing? Cassie discovers that anonymous donations come with a cost.

A growing class of viral clips — generally misinterpreted as cute or funny — actually shows animals in anger, pain, or sexual arousal,  says guest poster Whitney Robles. Can we get past our inability to understand the basic signaling behaviors of other species?

Red Delicious apples — one of those sad grocery store misnomers that masks a bitter skin and mealy, gruesome flesh. Christie discovers that in the wild, the story changes completely.

Jessa investigates Canada’s war on science.

Real yetis? Giant apocalyptic-looking oarfish surfacing on our beaches? Cameron considers the implications.

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Categorized in: Cameron, Cassandra, Christie, Jessa