Abstruse Goose, Snark Week Edition: The Cat’s Revenge

I mean, LOLCats was severely dumb and stupid but nobody’s doing that any more, right? I hope.   AG’s cat (though a little badly drawn) is thoroughly in the spirit of Snark Week and has the attitude nailed:  if you think soft cuddly Nature loves you and is your friend, you’re not paying close enough […]

Snark Week: Moose are dopey and dangerous!

They look so docile, but don’t be fooled. “Assume every moose is a serial killer standing in the middle of the trail with a loaded gun,” says Alaska wildlife biologist Jessy Coltrane. They may be cute in a dopey sort of way, but moose are also huge and powerful. Females weigh between 700 and 1,100 […]

Snark Week: Don’t Pet the Ants

It’s small, it’s fuzzy, and it hurts like hell. Variously known as the “cow killer,” “mule killer,” and “motherf-ing thing that just stung me,” the velvet ant packs more pain per pound than the meanest great white. Don Manley, a professor emeritus of entomology at Clemson University, recalls his run-in with Dasymutilla sp. as the worst […]

Snark Week: Hoppin’ down the bunny trail–to hell!

Their fur is so soft. Their paws are velvet. And the twitch of their little noses can send people into paroxysms of baby talk. But behind that cute little “bunny” is a fearsome rabbit, ready to destroy everything in its path. Yes, the true nature of the rabbit is starting to come to light.

Snark Week: The Rooster and the Puppy

In 2006, a puppy came to live on a small farm in Colorado. His name was Oskar, and he was the runt of the litter. Oskar was a playful little guy, but on one fateful autumn day, he would learn that he was living in the dark shadow of a blood-thirsty assailant. In the days […]