Where Did All the Universe Go?

One of our favorite science writers has just published a terrific new book, The 4% Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality. So I nabbed author Richard Panek, who just happens to be an LWON blogger, for a Q and A session. Q:  Your book’s really provocative. What first drew you […]

Abstruse Goose: A Great time To Be Alive

The last time anyone proclaimed the end of science — at least, this is what I hear — was just before the arrival of  relativity and quantum theory.    Abstruse Goose’s brave new islands, quantum gravity and dark energy, are going to require new physics, and new physics is like seeing outside the optical, hearing outside […]

Taking Cosmology Too Seriously

Cosmology did it to me again.  First it started out by saying that the universe is expanding, but all its mutual gravity pulls against the expansion so the universe is actually slowing down and might just end by being pulled into a cosmic black hole.  I thought this sounded a little extreme but it made […]