Everything Is Terrible So Here Are Some Animals Playing Fetch


Dear readers: Everything is terrible. It feels like the beginning of the end of the world. Or maybe the middle of the end of the world. My brain spends its days vacillating between wild panic and stubborn denial. My denial actually takes the form of obsessive online research, which is why I have wasted approximately 49 hours shopping for the perfect twin bed for my toddler. I guess what I’m saying is this: I’ve got nothing for you unless you want a funeral wail or a detailed map of the excruciating decision tree that landed me on a web site called Planet Bunk Beds.

I’m assuming you don’t. And I refuse to subject you to more of my musings on mass shootings or German words that describe my despair. So I will give you this instead: two videos of unlikely animals playing fetch. You have permission to watch them both as many times as you want.


2 thoughts on “Everything Is Terrible So Here Are Some Animals Playing Fetch

  1. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
    I needed that laugh. Now excuse me while I go watch again.

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