The Last Word


July 2 – 6, 2018

I start the week with a bad thought:  the part of your mind that’s the general contractor, the project manager, the executive? It’s good at making decisions, not so good at knowing when the poor idiot carrying them out is splatted on the ground weeping.

On a stormy night, Jessa flies over her country during the Canada Day fireworks, fireworks going off in every small town — pinches of hope flung into the sky, she says, like salt thrown over a shoulder, and the sky answering with heat lightning.

Rose had bad thoughts too — who doesn’t these days? — and to soothe herself, goes to certain sites on the internet.  Then she goes a step farther and asks the internet which sites it finds soothing, and the internet answers.

Sally doesn’t understand bitcoins and blockchains so she does the natural thing and asks some guy on the internet.  He explains it clearly, thoroughly, in context and with honesty.  These people are patently bug-nuts.

Craig reports from home, and home is hot, dry, and ready to catch fire if you look at it wrong.  And when it does catch fire and the fire takes control, he watches stunned — a little by fear, a little by awe, a little by love.  “Pyrophilia,” what a frightening word.

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