Eclipse Week: Welcome!


Hello readers of LWON. Your dutiful scribes would like to welcome you to LWON’s Eclipse Week. I know, you probably think you’ve heard as much as you want to about the eclipse. You have your eye gear, the family suburban is all gassed up and ready to go and there’s a better-than-average chance that you have not yet made hotel reservations and are just going to sleep in the parking lot of a Gas-N-Sip with your family in order see this historic(ish) event.

It’s a little known fact that the contributors of LWON are pretty big science nerds. And for the next five days, those of us who will be sleeping in that parking lot right next to you wanted to take a beat and share our enthusiasm for a silly little thing like the moon passing in the way of the sun. So sit back, put on a pair of impermeable shades and enjoy!

And I know, most weeks start on a Monday. Take it up with whatever steering committee scheduled this year’s eclipse.

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