The Last Word


April 17 – 21, 2017

My neighbors, of whom I was exceedingly fond, moved away and I was sad.  So I made a list of things to do to be a neighbor whose neighbors are sad to see you go.

The People of LWON apparently live on different planets and their community listservs reflect that difference.  We got our Lenox crystal, we got our beaver trap removal problems, we need loaner fridges by Thursday and hunters’ blinds, we seek sacred places and decide between shooting/not shooting.

Erik explains that the species scientists use as models for diseases and understanding are pretty much limited to flies and rats.  But the jungles, he says, the jungles are full of we-don’t-even-know-what.

Christie remembers the downside of spring: her beautiful Colorade snow crust gets coated with dust, making skiing dicey and that’s not the half of it.

The upside of spring, says Jennifer, are the swarming bees with their drones that sit on the couch drinking milk out of the bottle and the young queens ready to take over their mama’s bed.


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