The Last Word


kiko1October 10 – 14, 2016

With the de-embargoing of Cuba, Cuban and American geologists can finally talk to each other.  That’s a good thing, says guest Alex Witze, because Cuba is a crunched-up (and gorgeous) mess between a rock and an ocean.

Michelle reminded us of Lady Ada Lovelace, an inventor of computer programming, who died young and whom the world needed because, when she was even younger, she wrote “As soon as I have got [a] flying [machine] to perfection, I have got a scheme about a steamengine.”

Guest Olivia Walch once spent a summer in a rat lab, observing them and running tests of their memories.  Her hours were long and she filled them with a memory game which she thinks, she hopes, she prays with all her soul, is unobserved.

Assuming pot gets legalized (which, duh), Jessa wonders what the legal pot-buying age should be — drinking age, driving age, marrying age, draft age?  Science says yes.

Baby Willyard has some science she wants to share with you and just because scientists haven’t discovered it yet, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Baby Willyard talks like a tiny, cute Marine drill sergeant and if you’re smart, you won’t mess with her.



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