Public Service Announcement: SNARK WEEK!


Snark Week2016 -2Every year, some media entity terrifies the nation with a Shark Week.  We here at LWON feel strongly that sharks, while terrifying, look scary and live in the ocean and therefore are pretty easy to recognize and avoid.   Much harder to recognize and avoid are the innocent-looking, furry, feathery animals that under the pretense of going about their lives, are out to murder and mayhem you.  So as a public service, we devote this week to stern, even frightening, warnings of several of these animals.  In the past, we’ve had to issue similar warnings and have thereby saved innumerable lives, every one of which was worth saving.

And you can trust us, we’re science writers: every word of these posts is true.  Read, Heed, and Hide.

The first Snark Week post follows on Monday; it reveals the true nature of a creature that — no, I just can’t say it, I can’t.

Categorized in: Snark Week