The Last Word


FullSizeRender-3January 18 – 22, 2016

Pity the eastern LWONians, in fact the whole American eastern coast, tunnelling through the snow in a direction they hope is up, looking for some blue sky, some sun again.

I thought maybe, yes maybe, I could do my bit for STEM education and connect up that kid who’s so crazy about astronomy.  It was a good thought but it hasn’t worked yet.

Erik sets our hairs on fire with the blazing truth:  journalists dislike Sean Penn because nobody should be writing incompetent puff pieces about death-dealing criminals and calling it journalism.

Craig graffiti’ed his own hand, then remembers all the other hands he’s seen on cliff walls and in caves, the most ancient art, saying “Here I am.  This is me.  I made this.”

Guest Ben Goldfarb finds little Italian wall lizards non-invasively invading his neighborhood, his soul, and the minds of neighboring entomologists.

You want to know how the Oregon Trail and Indian trails get saved? how the greater sage grouse won’t be knocked out? Follow Sarah into the sculpted white canyons of bureaucratic jargon.


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