Abstruse Goose: Technical Assistance


technical_assistanceI’ve just been through several bouts of technical assistance and I have to say that 1) the ESL problem still exists but is much better than it used to be; and 2) a new sentence in their checklist is “Why yes, we can fix that;” 3) the last one thanked me for being such a pleasant customer which 3a) didn’t sound like a sentence on the checklist and 3b) made me wonder just how non-pleasant their customers usually are; and 4) given that tech assistance is so unremittantly polite, I’ve resolved to save all telephonic unpleasantness for the rat bastards who say they’ll take you off their list but who have an infinity of lists.


This Abstruse Goose is http://abstrusegoose.com/136.  But I have worrying news:  AG hasn’t added any cartoons in a number of months.  Come back, Abstruse Goose, we love you.

2 thoughts on “Abstruse Goose: Technical Assistance

  1. Yes, where is the Goose? This is one of the (many) problems with the internet: people disappear, and you have no way of finding out how or why. For a medium which purports to be about closer contact, it’s careless. I get regular Facebook prompts suggesting I ‘friend’ people I know for a fact are dead.

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