The Last Word


9090924965_6d083a971f_kJuly 14 – 18, 2014

First we domesticated our pets, says guest David Grimm, and then over a long, long period of time, they civilized us.  For which, thank goodness.

Christie had a friend who was dying.  In the meantime, how should he stay alive?  Nice answer: by inviting friends over for a Colorado summer afternoon.

Such splendid galaxies out there, colliding and ricocheting and merging and parting again — the individual ones you can see, the dance can only be simulated.  Once again, I give in to poetic tendencies.

Cameron, who’s never writing about what she seems to be writing about, writes about the dog days, her old dog and his old fears, and his naps on the sun-warmed stones.

GlaxoSmithKline has a vaccine for Lyme disease but it’s not profitable so they don’t sell it. What’s a clever researcher to do?  Vaccinate the mice who carry the ticks who carry the bug, says Cassie approvingly.


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