The Last Word


640px-ConverseFields(byIlhamRahmansyah)June 16-20

This week, Craig follows an undammed South American river from beginning to end. “The water itself did not know to whom it belonged. It obeyed gravity, streaking mountain sides with streamers and cascades.”

Cameron investigates all things feet, those much-abused appendages that carry us swiftly across the soccer field or not so swiftly down the aisle of a grocery store. Until one day they don’t. “Most of us don’t give our feet much thought until they start complaining.”

Ann’s marriage might be in a rut. She looks to the stars for metaphors and comes up with a doozy. “Astronomers would say we’re all tidally locked.”

Abstruse Goose nicely asks his brain to shut the $&#* up. 

Can science and the big screen coexist? Sometimes they can. Michelle tells the story of a NASA researcher who injected some life-saving thermodynamics into a Tinkerbell movie. “He gave them a PowerPoint presentation whose title he remembers as ‘Thermodynamics, or Why You’re Going to Kill the Fairies.'”



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