Abstruse Goose: Electronic Man


i_sing_the_gadgets_electricAG’s mouseover says, “When I forget to charge my phone at night, my existence feels incomplete in the morning,” meaning I guess that he’s become as one with his electronic devices.  But as I know because I’ve been writing an interminable story about insomnia, AG’s identity as an electronic device is just the God’s truth.  You don’t sleep — it’s called “nonrestorative sleep” — you don’t recharge. I read once that our bodies’ cells are powered by breaking down a molecule called adenosine tri-phosphate into, first, adenosine di-phosphate and then adenosine mono-phosphate until we’re left with nothing but adenosine.  And (huge logic gap here) those ravelled sleaves of adenosines and phosphates get knitted back up only during sleep.  I suspect I’m making up most of this but wouldn’t want to let facts get in the way of a good story. I mean, something like this must happen, right?



Categorized in: Abstruse Goose, Mind/Brain