The Last Word(s)


February 24 – 28, 2014

SCENERYCameron, trains, and writing: “I watched until it grew so dark that the only things that seemed to exist were the fire and the man’s illuminated hands.”

Christie, death, and grief:  “Such platitudes offered me no comfort. The truth is, Pia died far too young, and I wish she hadn’t.”

 Jessa, no-till, and drainage:  “Mother nature knows how to balance and settle her own creations, but it seems she’s not particularly interested in other people’s brainchildren.”

Cassandra, cable companies, and hidden expense:  “Here’s what I want to know: Why are we letting industries set their own energy efficiency standards?”

Guest Ivan Amato, blackboards, and thinking: “The scientists I have spoken to at Kavli say their their chalkboard sessions are ways to clarify blurry thoughts, to work out bugs in half-baked theories in collaborative on-the-fly edits replete with chalk-frosted fingers and palms, and to see, perhaps for the first time, the inklings of a great thought—perhaps one they will be most proud of in their careers—staring back at them.”


Categorized in: On Writing