The Last Word


Wakering_Stairs, 25 – 29, 2013

Thomas does his own (gasp) statisics and finds that journalistic attention to the environment sharpens up and fades out, if not with sunspots, then with the normal journalistic attention span.

London’s institute for making stuff with your hands (manu-facture, right?) is so intriguing, energetic, and adventuresome, that Jessa considers sitting in a corner and writing a story.

Christie is writing mad again.  If the Iraq War is enumerated — its civilian deaths, soldier deaths, amputees, trillions of dollars, mental health injuries, and now moral injuries — would the war have been worth it?  Not even close.

Oh the Broomway! the centuries-old path that Michelle wants to walk, from solid daylight land into the utterly foreign and lethal sea.

In a squidy moment of intimacy, in fact in flagrante delicto, a sperm whale crashes down and squishes you — Cameron wants to hide under her desk just thinking about it.


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