Fatherhood: Father’s Day Week


This coming June 17 marks the 103rd arrival of Father’s Day. I suppose I’ve celebrated it in some form every year of my life, but I still had to look up the date to figure out when it is.

Father’s day isn’t really a thing. Not the way Mother’s Day is a thing; not even the way Valentine’s Day is a thing. It’s barely even a gift day anymore, now that pipes are over with and ties have largely dwindled into obsolescence outside of a few enclaves in the east.

But fathers? Well, that’s a different story. Fathers are certainly a thing — you can tell that from the indelible impressions they make on their children, sometimes by their presence and often enough, by their absence.

Just what sort of thing a father is though, that’s not so easy to say. This week, the men of LWON take a stab at saying — and since there are just two of them, busy fathers both, they’ve called in reinforcements. Sally launches LWON’s Fathers’ Week today, and we’ll be joined by guest posters tomorrow and Thursday.

Fatherhood is no walk in the park, I don’t mind telling you. But neither is it fraught the way motherhood can be. I suppose there are Tiger Fathers, but they seem not to make people flinch. And if there are daddy wars, no one has bothered to tell me. At least, not yet — we’ll see how things look by the end of the week.

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