Lies about Astronomy


The coordinate grid was laid against the sky to fix the stars and for centuries it seemed to work as planned.

Recently, slowly, almost asymptotically, the grid begins to move with respect to itself — abrading, degrading — and therefore deteriorates.

In fact, Declination -14 now sags along its whole length so that Declination +14 is taut and hums like a violin string in a high wind.  Right Ascension 23 has rusted through and swings from its jointure, knocking the vernal equinox out of line.

This year spring came not late exactly, but more toward the center.

The whole grid has decay spots in it.

When RA 5, Dec +22 went, an eighth magnitude star dropped for light years, hit the event horizon at SgrA*, and went out abruptly.

A star cluster fell off RA 52, Dec -34 and disintegrated in a soft, pinging rain of planetesimals.

The ecliptic slipped; several asteroids previously attached became sun-grazers, dying in glory, and no one can say any more when Orion will rise or where.

Astronomy is making a valiant attempt to plot out another coordinate system but it’s likely too late, as Kapteyn’s Star is aimed straight at the earth

and will smack us clean out of the game.



map of Sagittarius region:  Roberto Mura

billiards:  Michael Maggs

2 thoughts on “Lies about Astronomy

  1. I looked up two words – asymptotically and planetesimal – and was drawn by them even deeper into the poetry that you bring to your writing. Great stuff!

    Not cashing in my investments yet – Kapteyn will have to wait. Don’t let Orion disappear though – I look up at him whenever there’s a clear sky and I need a laugh.

    1. I have a small obsession with astronomy’s words. And this did start as a poem, a long time ago. Thank you.

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